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My Amazon Journey

I started Amazon in April of 2020 during the pandemic. This was right when I graduated high school. I was locked in my house and bored out of my mind. I was already selling on Ebay, and decided to get more serious once the pandemic happened. Eventually Amazon caught my attention and I went down the rabbit hole.

I watched hours of free training through webinars, Youtube, and free PDFs. I had $1,500 in my bank account when I started, so did not have money to invest in paid training. I started by contacting hundreds of wholesale suppliers and seeing which ones would let me dropship their products.

I did this for about 3 months until I switched to the FBA business model, where I eventually had the capital to make bulk purchases. I kept repeating the wholesale process, contacting new suppliers every week and looking through their catalogs.

By April of 2021, about 12 months after I started selling on Amazon, I hit my first $7k profit month (about $50k in sales). I was doing the Wholesale business model only, 100% remote in my college dorm room without touching a single product I sold. This was at the end of my freshman year of college. I knew the potential I had with Amazon, and stopped caring about school so I could take Amazon more seriously. I kept grinding and repeating the same process, and by November of 2021 I did about $14,000 in profit for the month.

This brings me to the beginning of 2022. This is when I pivoted and started doing the online arbitrage business model. It is not typical to go from wholesale to online arbitrage.

The reason I did so was because I had more money accessible to me after the previous big months, and wanted to put the money back into inventory quick. The biggest advantage of doing online arbitrage is low ease of purchase, meaning you can spend money quick with less upfront time to spend. The suppliers I was working with had lot's of seasonal items that were not selling in January, and also one of my biggest suppliers discontinued most of their products due to supply shortage. My options were to hit the phones and contact suppliers to spend that money, or try something else.

I learned online arbitrage pretty quick, and would source for hours and hours, learning overtime through trial and error. I would usually do wholesale during the day and online arbitrage at night. Found that this hybrid model was really what accelerated my growth on Amazon. Kept doing this and got to consistent $150k months by July, and eventually up to $250k months by November. This brings me to where I am at right now, still doing both wholesale and online arbitrage, with hopes to scale my business to over $500k in sales per month.

Have any questions?

Contact info:

DM me on Instagram or Twitter: @wifimoneyben
